30th annual International Laser Physics Workshop
(July 18-22, 2022)
This year, our milestone thirtieth annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'22) will be held from to , in the online format on Zoom.
According to most participants, last year, our LPHYS'21 conference on Zoom achieved substantial success. Three hundred twenty-six delegates from 26 countries over 11 time zones participated in the event.
This year, we will keep the Zoom conference as closely as possible to the standard in-person format of the previous years. We hope the cordial atmosphere that had always ruled at our annual meetings will continue.
This year, we will follow a simplified schedule for collecting conference fees. The fee amounts have been slashed. Please follow the Workshop Fees page. Each participant will receive Zoom links to all seminars and plenary sessions a few days before the event.
We want to remind you that our system is already available for abstract uploads (after pre-registration). The compiled LPHYS'22 Program will be available approximately a week before the event.
This year, IOP Publishing will implement new Conference Proceedings rules. Please review our Proceedings page.
Even though our workshops scheduled to take place in Lyon, France, have already been postponed three times in 2020, 2021, and 2022, we hope that our next Workshop will indeed take place there in 2023.
Please follow all our further announcements on matters related to the conference on this page.