LPHYS'02.    Plenary Speakers:

  1. Catastrophic Damage of Optical Fibers under CW Laser Radiation

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      Igor A. Bufetov

      Fiber Optics Research Center, RAS, Moscow, Russia
  2. Programmable Quantum Processors

  3. Crystalline Charged Particle Beams and High-Intensity Lasers

  4. Attosecond Metrology

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      Ferenc Krausz

      Nobel Prize Winner 
      Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany, Garching, Germany
      Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, Munich, Germany
      Center for Molecular Fingerprinting, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest, Hungary
  5. Multiple Ionization in Strong Laser Fields: 'Complete' Experiments and Their Results

  6. Fluctuations in the Bose Condensate: The Rich Interplay between Optical and Statistical Physics

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      Marlan O Scully

      Texas A&M University, Princeton, NJ, USA
      Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA
  7. Coherent Control of Currents and Spin Currents in Semiconductors

  8. Spatial Solitons

  9. Lasers in Medical Diagnostics - New Developments

  10. Exciton Polariton BEC