LPHYS'06.    Plenary Speakers:

  1. New Frontiers in Photonic Crystal Fibres

  2. Multidimensional Fluorescence Imaging

  3. Exact Properties of Strongly Correlated Ultracold Gases in Tight Waveguides

  4. Quantum Communication in Telecom Networks

  5. Clusters in Strong Laser Light: Science and Applications

  6. Recent Progresses in Photonic Crystals

  7. From Surgery to Tweezers - Some Laser Developments in Biophotonics

    • Photo

      René-Paul Salathé

      Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
  8. Interaction of Light with Single Emitters and Nanoparticles

  9. High Power Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers